Larry Seaquist
Building on his elected service in the Washington State Legislature, his Navy career as a ship captain and strategist, and his peacebuilding work in at-war and at-risk communities, Larry is working to assemble a roadmap for citizen-led action. Doing Democracy — A Field Guide for We the People in Tomorrow’s America hopes to offer a practical guide to leading strategic change.
To that end, Larry continues to explore the evolving repertoire of citizenship and public strategy needed to weather and transcend the profound problems confronting Americans and the world.
You are invited to connect and contribute. As in a healthy democracy, differences are welcome, anger and attack are not.

A Field Guide for We the People in Tomorrow’s America
Sharing with the peoples of the world a common, global fate, Americans are arrived, again, at an era of decision: We the People may choose a resolute climb to the full potential of the American promise in a rapidly changing world or continue our slide into violent, ungoverned failure. Guided by our founding principles, confident in our basic strengths, and offering a repertoire for action, Doing Democracy summons We the People to lead the climb.
Recent Work
Simulating Citizenry
TechKnowlogy Magazine—June 2001 Note: this article gives a good description of the PeaceLab/CoLab simulation process. It was written to be one of the features in the inaugural edition of a new, online journal devoted to gaming applications edited by some leading...
Central Asian Students Tackle “Afghanization”
1998 Included in a report published in Kyrgyz, Russian and English by Kyrgyz State National University, this op-ed reports on a successful "PeaceGame" held in Central Asia. As of 2005 this series continues to bring students from all over Central Asia together. From a...
Resetting the National Consensus on Security Strategy
Spring 2004 Resetting the national consensus on security strategy. Published by the Chicago-based National Strategy Forum, this piece revisits the myths which have framed traditional US security strategy and proposes new ground rules for citizens thinking about how to...
Nuclear Logic
Christian Science Monitor—March 2005 I continue to worry—a lot!—that our nuclear arsenal managers and our National Command Authority (the President and the Secretary of Defense) have not adapted our nuclear doctrine to the practicalities—and the mysteries—of the...