Central Asian Students Tackle “Afghanization”

1998 Included in a report published in Kyrgyz, Russian and English by Kyrgyz State National University, this op-ed reports on a successful “PeaceGame” held in Central Asia. As of 2005 this series continues to bring students from all over Central Asia...

Resetting the National Consensus on Security Strategy

Spring 2004 Resetting the national consensus on security strategy. Published by the Chicago-based National Strategy Forum, this piece revisits the myths which have framed traditional US security strategy and proposes new ground rules for citizens thinking about how to...

Nuclear Logic

Christian Science Monitor—March 2005 I continue to worry—a lot!—that our nuclear arsenal managers and our National Command Authority (the President and the Secretary of Defense) have not adapted our nuclear doctrine to the practicalities—and the mysteries—of the...

Public Intelligence

Christian Science Monitor—December 2004 As the 9/11 Commission concluded its brilliant work, precipitating a rush to overhaul the US intelligence apparatus, this piece argues that, the reforms should put of the public at the top of the list of intelligence clients....

Military’s Bad-Guy Dragnet

Christian Science Monitor—May 2004 US military’s bad-guy dragnet is a terrible way to win a war. Written as the world learned through leaked photos of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, this piece goes back to the accountability problem, arguing once again that a...

Peacebuilding Lessons

Christian Science Monitor—December 2003 This essay reports on some pioneering work in an American community. The “CoLabs” are the latest stage in the evolving application of war gaming techniques to peacebuilding and community development tasks....