Exemplary Power

Christian Science Monitor—August 2003 Americans brandish more pure physical power than any empire in history. But are we using it effectively? I argue here that our power of example is far more potent than our firepower. GIG HARBOR, WASH. American power and...

Talking with Nukes

Christian Science Monitor—April 2003 Nuclear weapons are cropping up in more and more countries. This essay urges some fundamental rethinking about nuclear “signals” — the activities and statements various players in the nuclear game send each other....

The People’s Intelligence

Christian Science Monitor—April 2003 Nuclear weapons are cropping up in more and more countries. This essay urges some fundamental rethinking about nuclear “signals” — the activities and statements various players in the nuclear game send each other....

If You Want Peace, Work For Peace

Christian Science Monitor—December 2002 The end-of-year holiday season brings flurries of greeting cards touting peace. This piece offers one of my core convictions: that peace is work—our main work—not a result. GIG HARBOR, WASH.—We’re all in favor of peace....

Building Defenses of Peace

Christian Science Monitor—October 2002 Written in the midst of what we now know was the Bush administration’s callous manipulation of the UN enroute an already-decided invasion of Iraq, this piece suggests that we, the international community, need to revisit...

The American Boiler

Christian Science Monitor—September 2002 Quoting Churchill, this column was penned a year after the 9/11 attacks. The close of the piece seems still valid: “Bin Laden was counting on us to be self-centered and self-defeating when under sustained attack. The...